Tuesday, May 11, 2010

only, walking. for a while.

only, walking. for a while., originally uploaded by geyser.

So, gadblessem, my pals went ahead and surprised me and put me way over the top, surpassing the kind-of-joking fundraising challenge that If i raised a THOUSAND bucks, I'd walk not only with Beary White on my back, but that Jarrett, my goat(puppet) will ALSO be along for the ride.
How TF am I going to do this, exactly?
He's heavier than he looks.
Well, he does look kinda heavy.
I think I may have to craft some sort of backpack apparatus surgically attached to his belly. Can Jarrett the goat get a piggyback ride on HIS back? In a baby carrier or something? I was thinking a front-baby wrap thing, but with Beary's arms around my engines, there's no room...
Craigslist ad: Dreamer needs engineer... it's for the CHILDREN.
Advice/help appreciated. getting some aeration between my sweaty back and Beary would be great.
Also, I'd like to actually let Jarrett walk across the finish line (he walks REALLY slow, so he can't walk the whole thing. He'll have to be carried.) So, does anyone have 4 baby sneakers her could wear? I know his soft hoof leather would wear right off. He's a Carpetgoat, so.

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